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The New Adventures of Captain Ross Wells

12 x 11 min series in 3D animation


audience :family 7 years and +

type :humor, adventure, SF, quirky

status: in development / seeking funding


   "Captain Wells works for the Galactic Federation. At the controls of S-217, an ultra-sophisticated flying saucer, He travels the Milky Way in search of strange new worlds and new civilizations. 


    The mission is clear and the protocol established: reconnaissance and observation with a view to possible contact. No interaction with natives is allowed. The base, what... In reality, the job is quite thankless, and the federation is not very careful about its new recruits.


    Accompanied by Robby, his trusty robot, Captain Wells is now heading for Earth. Will he be able to carry out his mission? Disrespectful of protocol and eager to rebuild,  Ross Wells intends to take advantage of any opportunities that arise."

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